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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - overlap


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См. в других словарях

  1. перекрывание, наложение; частичное совпадение 2. тех. нахлестка; перекрытие 3. геол. несогласное прилегание 4. заходить один за другой; частично покрывать; перекрывать tiles that overlap (each other) —- черепицы, перекрывающие друг друга 5. частично совпадать his visit and mine overlapped —- мы были там почти в одно и то же время the treatment in these two books largely overlaps —- эти книги во многом совпадают по трактовке his authority and mine overlap —- у нас с ним (почти) одинаковые полномочия 6. воен. охватить с фланга 7. перекрывать (аэрофотоснимки) 8. идти в чужой воде (парусный спорт) 9. перейти на чужую дорожку в беге ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. v.  1) частично покрывать; заходить один за другой; перекрывать  2) частично совпадать; his duties and mine overlap - мы выполняем одни и те же обязанности  2. noun  1) совпадение  2) tech. нахлестка; перекрытие ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) налегание 2) налегать друг на друга 3) нахлестка 4) нахлестывать 5) перекрывание 6) перекрывать 7) перекрываться 8) перекрытие клапанов 9) покрывать doubly overlap design — дважды перекрывающийся план overlap of slide valve — перекрытие золотника - overlap angle - overlap graph - overlap operations - pulse overlap - pulses overlap - region of overlap - regular overlap - smooth overlap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  перекрытие, наложение – frequency overlap – mode overlap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  нахлёстка; соединение внахлёстку перекрытие (аэроснимков); наложение; совмещение наплыв (дефект сварного шва); закат (дефект проката) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) перекрытие; наложение; совмещение перекрывать(ся); накладывать(ся); совмещать(ся) 2) нахлёстка; соединение внахлёстку соединять внахлёстку 3) закат (дефект проката) 4) наплыв (дефект шва) 5) трик. кладка на иглу - band overlap - character overlap - gato-drain overlap - press overlap - single-needle overlap - two-needle overlap - valve overlap ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (-lapped, -lapping) 1 tr. (of part of an object) partly cover (another object). 2 tr. cover and extend beyond. 3 intr. (of two things) partly coincide; not be completely separate (where psychology and philosophy overlap). --n. 1 an instance of overlapping. 2 the amount of this. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   Date: 1704  transitive verb  1. to extend over or past and cover a part of  2. to have something in common with  intransitive verb  1. to occupy the same area in part  2. to have something in common  • ~ noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (overlapped) 1. If one thing overlaps another, or if you overlap them, a part of the first thing occupies the same area as a part of the other thing. You can also say that two things overlap. When the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag... Overlap the slices carefully so there are no gaps... Use vinyl seam adhesive where vinyls overlap... The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps. V-RECIP: V n, V pl-n, pl-n V, pl-n V n 2. If one idea or activity overlaps another, or overlaps with another, they involve some of the same subjects, people, or periods of time. Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomi’s world... Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover... The needs of patients invariably overlap... V-RECIP: V n, V with n, pl-n V • Overlap is also a noun. ...the overlap between civil and military technology... N-VAR: oft N between pl-n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v overlapped, overlapping 1 if two or more things overlap, part of one thing covers part of another thing  (One of Jilly's front teeth overlaps the other. | The tiles on the roof overlap.) 2 if two sets, subjects, ideas etc overlap, they include some but not all of the same things  (This is where sociology overlaps with economics.) overlap sth  (Maxwell's responsibilities overlap yours, so you will be sharing some of the work.) 3 if two events or activities overlap, the first one finishes a short time after the second one starts  (My vacation overlaps with yours, so we won't see each other for a month or so.) overlap sth  (The first shift overlaps the second.) ~2 n the amount by which two things, activities etc overlap + between  (The overlap between the two subjects is considerable.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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